

It's the 50th Spring. For the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans living in exile across the world, March 2009 is the 50th Spring since they fled their homes. Fifty years is long enough to turn a child into an old man, however, it's not long enough to turn Tibet a free country, a home for Tibetans.


"Although we're refugees without a country, we're still a proud people. The force of the gun does not last long, but true values will. Hence it's important to stand united." The positive attitude and the power of solidarity exemplified by Tibetans under the leadership has made the Tibetan issue a global issue. Free Tibet, is not only the Tibetans' business, but should be the business of every goodhearted person is this world who values justice.


"Free Tibet" is not only about the freedom of Tibetans, but also a symbol of a global movement for human rights, freedom, democracy, peace, and against violent authoritarian regimes. "Free Tibet" stands for peace, non-violence, and mutual understanding of religions. Today, there are hundreds of organizations that help Tibetans in exile or promote independence for Tibet.


Since March last year, China has violently cracked down on Tibetan people's resistance, which resulted in worldwide actions to support the Tibetan freedom movement. Musicians and bands including Bjork, Radiohead, Oasis, and U2 have also voiced their support for Tibet through concerts or music videos since last year. Music has always been the best tool in non-violent campaigns. Since the 1990s, Tibet-support concerts have been held across the world: musicians and bands like Radiohead, Alanis Morissette, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bjork, Pearl Jam, Blur have all taken part in Free Tibet concerts and released music albums in support of the Free Tibet movment. Artists such as the Beastie Boys, L.M.F. from Hong Kong, and Tizzy Bac from Taiwan have all performed in the 2003 Free Tibet concert in Taipei. With thousands of people crowded on the site of the former Songshan Tabacco Factory, the concert stood out as the largest scale Tibet support event in Taiwan's history.

去年三月至今,中國多次血腥鎮壓西藏人民的反抗運動,促成國際支持西藏自由的行動此起彼落。而包括Bjork、Radiohead、Oasis、U2等樂團也從去年陸續以演唱會或音樂錄影帶的方式發出援藏的聲音。音樂一直以來都是非暴力運動的最好方式之一,自90年代開始,世界各地陸續開始舉辦支援西藏的音樂會,包括Radiohead、Alanis Morissette、Red Hot Chili Peppers、Bjork、Pearl Jam、Blur……等知名樂團皆曾參加演出,也曾發表多張紀念合輯支持西藏自由。2003年台北西藏自由音樂會,有Beastie Boys、香港的L.M.F.以及台灣的Tizzy Bac等藝人演出,數千觀眾擠滿松山菸場,也是台灣史上聲援西藏最大規模活動。

Since March this year, parades, forums and film festivals have been held in Taiwan as part of a series of Tibet support events to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan Uprising against the Chinese rule. The Taiwanese people's cry for a Free Tibet will reach the climax in July when "The 50th Spring: the Free Tibet Concert" is held in Taipei.

今年(2009)是中國入侵西藏五十年,當世界持續關注西藏的時候,台灣自三月起便展開包括遊行、座談與影展等一系列支持西藏的行動,七月份的「第五十個春天 - 西藏自由音樂會」將在台北登場,讓台灣援藏的聲音達到高峰。

Although the road may be bumpy and seemed to be endless, the Tibetans are still smiling as they travel on the road to home in the 50th Spring. Armed with peace, the Dalai Lama and the exiled Tibetans are standing up firmly on their way home. This is not only the Tibetans' way home, but a road to freedom and progress for the entire world. You need not to shout, you need not to fear, because you are not alone on the road to a Free Tibetan. You have with you the entire world.






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